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Annie's BIG Nature Lesson

Annie's BIG Nature Lesson is a study trip that spans five consecutive days at one of mid-Michigan's nature centers. Teachers and students immerse themselves in learning for a full week of in-depth study, working with experts on site, followed with teacher-led lessons and reinforced with independent observation and research time

Annual Reports

Follow the link below to access the annual reports from years past, showcasing the incredible work that happens during the ABNL week.


Whether you are planning to take your class to ABNL or want to incorporate outdoor learning throughout your class this year, click below to find lesson plans, activities, video lessons, and more and more resources to support your work.

Our Mission

The mission of Annie's BIG Nature Lesson is to immerse children, teachers, and parents in the beauty and wonder of the natural world; engage them in authentic scientific investigations of the local ecology by observing, drawing, and writing; nurture citizens who value and protect natural resources; and build a school-community partnership that inspires responsible environmental stewardship.

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Ann Mason

Annie's BIG Nature Lesson is named in honor of Ann Mason, environmentalist from Clinton County, Michigan, who devoted her life to taking care of the environment and educating the public about their responsibility for stewardship of the earth.

Annie's BIG Nature Lesson Sites


Harris Nature Center

3998 Van Atta Rd, Okemos

(517) 349-3866

Naturalists Kati Adams and Allison Goodman

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Woldumar Nature Center

5739 Old Lansing Rd, Lansing
(517) 322-0030

Director Kevin Wernet

Naturalists Whitney Beaird and Alexandra Shigley


13991 Tallman Rd, Grand Ledge

(517) 627-7351

Naturalist Jackie Blanc


2020 E. Mount Hope Avenue

(517) 483-4224

Director Liz Roxberry

Naturalist Sam Ansaldi, Dylan Lallemand, and Madison Ostrander


6380 Drumheller Rd, Bath Twp

(517) 641-7677

Naturalist John Ropp


7117 S Jackson Rd, Jackson
(517) 782-3453
Director Ben Dandrow
Naturalist Carrie Benham

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7000 N. Westnedge Ave.

(269) 381-1574

Naturalist Sarah Gonda and Jen Rice

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3854 Crawford Rd, Dryden

(810) 796-3200

Naturalist Carrie Spencer


19833 D Dr S, Marshall

(269) 962-8069

Naturalist Jim Dobbins

One of my students with a cognitive disability and normally doesn't talk much, was even giving words of encouragement to another student who was really struggling. Just seeing that made the whole trip worth it!

Hana Steinbach

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